The Seven Most Common Reasons Drains Clog
One of the most common headaches for homeowners is clogged drains. When the water in your kitchen or bathroom doesn’t flow correctly, it can be a major frustration. They can cause bacteria buildup and a foul odour that you want to avoid. Yet, clogged drains can also create more serious problems, including corrosion, flooding, and sewage backup. All of these can lead to expensive repairs. However, there are things that you can do to prevent a clogged drain. It all begins with knowing the most common reasons that drains become clogged.
Common Causes of Clogs
Clogged drains can be a big hassle, but they can also be easily prevented. With some care and attention to what is going down your drain, you can avoid clogged drain dilemmas. Here are the most common reasons that your kitchen or bathroom drains will become clogged:
Hair. Your tresses are one of the main culprits that cause clogged drains. This is because it often combines with other sticky substances that run down your drain. It can then cause a blockage, preventing water from draining through properly.
Soap. Did you know that most soaps are made with fat or grease? When these materials combine with water minerals and collect along your tub and your drains, it is called soap scum. This ugly substance can be a major contributor to clogged drains.
Dirt. Although you usually think of your bathroom as a place to wash the dirt away, letting that material into your pipes can lead to big problems over the long run. Dirt can accumulate in different areas of your pipes and cause clogs. When they come into contact with some of the other causes of clogged drains, you could be facing an even bigger problem.
Food. Little particles of food that wash down the drain can cause serious clogs. Essentially, no food should go down the drain. Other substances that should be avoided include oil and grease. These things can often combine together to create a major blockage.
Small objects or toys. Bathtime can be one of the most creative times for kids to play. However, those tiny toys that they bring into the bath with them can sometimes find their way down the drain. The problem comes when they get stuck in the pipes and cause a backup. Any small objects that fall down your drain can potentially cause clogs. It is best to call in a professional plumber to get it taken care of before it becomes a serious issue. Ebenso ist es beim Spielen in alle Android Casinos wichtig, sich der potenziellen Risiken und Herausforderungen bewusst zu sein, die auftreten können. Während Android-Casinos eine unterhaltsame Art sein können, sich die Zeit zu vertreiben und möglicherweise etwas Geld zu gewinnen, ist es wichtig, dass Sie Ihre Nachforschungen anstellen und sicherstellen, dass Sie in einem seriösen und sicheren Online-Casino spielen.
Toilet paper. Although it is one of the safest things to flush, too much can cause a clog in your system. Try to use toilet paper sparingly and only for the purpose it was designed for. If you are using toilet paper to clean up a spill or wipe away makeup, toss it in the trash rather than flush it.
Hard water. Mineral buildup can damage your pipes and also contribute to clogged drains. If you think this might be an issue in your home, have your water tested. There are treatments for hard water that can eliminate the problem it can cause in your drains.
Preventing Clogged Drains
Once you are aware of the most common causes of clogged drains, it is easier to find a solution. Beginning with preventing these substances from travelling through your pipes to proper maintenance and care, your home can be essentially clog-free.
Trap hair before it collects. There are a variety of products on the market that you can use to trap hair before it goes down your drain. Ensure that you clean it often and you will be eliminating one of the main problems that lead to clogged drains.
Stop with the soap. Due to the problems that most soaps cause when they are mixed with water minerals, it is best for your pipes if you avoid using it. To ensure that you don’t have future problems with soap clogging your drains, call in a plumber to pressure clean your pipes to remove any current buildup.
Garbage the dirt. Before you clean any dirt from you or your clothes, trying shaking off the excess first. This can help prevent too much dirt from collecting in your pipes and causing clogs.
Compost. Have a compost bin near your kitchen sink where you can put food in so it doesn’t get washed down the sink and cause a clog. Use paper towels for oil and throw it in the compost bin rather than let the oil drain down the sink.
Be cautious about what you flush. The only things that should be flushed down your toilet are toilet paper and human waste. Anything else puts you at risk for clogs.
Avoid drain cleaners. It can seem like the perfect fix, flush your pipes with some strong chemicals and you have solved the clogging problem. Unfortunately, these chemicals are strong enough to cause more problems than they solve. The corrosive substances can start to damage your pipes, joint seals, and caulking, essentially leading to an even more expensive repair bill. It is always best to contact a professional plumber to help you solve your clogged drain problem.
Clogged drains can be a major headache for homeowners. Being aware of the common clog hazards and taking precautions to keep your drains free can help you prevent these problems and the expensive repairs that come with them.
We understand that it can be frustrating when the water in your bathroom and kitchen don’t flow properly. If your pipes are clogged, it also raises the risk of more serious problems like corrosion, flooding, and sewage backup.
For more information about how to unclog your drain, call Brothers Plumbing at 1-800-742-0018 or contact us here.