6 Mar

Benefits of Installing Backflow Prevention Devices at Home

Everybody needs access to clean drinking water. Backflow prevention devices help to safeguard against the risk of backflow, and in the process, prevent the contamination of your water supply from germs and other pollutants. There are different types of backflow preventers that can be installed by professional plumbers to ensure that your family has access to clean and safe drinking water. Read More

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24 Jul

How Do Backflow Prevention Devices Work?

In short, a backflow preventer is put in place to protect our drinking water supply, ensuring that contaminates don’t enter the public supply. A backflow preventer keeps water from backing up into the supply line via a one-way valve. In other words, it only allows water to flow in one direction. Backflow, for all intents and purposes, is the reversal of normal water flow. It is the result of two events: back pressure, which occurs when your property’s water pressure is greater than the city’s, as well as back siphonage. Read More

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