Tips for Preventing Toilet Clogs: Do’s and Don’ts
When it comes to your toilet maintenance, you may wonder why your toilet is clogging more frequently than normal. This can be due to a number of causes, such as thick toilet paper, flushing unnecessary objects, or simply neglect of maintenance.
To ensure that clogs are kept to a minimum (or even non-existent) in your home, you will want to abide by a few rules to help your toilet stay in good working condition. After all, there are few things more embarrassing than a clogged toilet.
In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to prevent toilet clogs in your home. Keep reading to learn how to steer clear of toilet mishaps this season.
Be Mindful of What You Flush
We know how easy and convenient it might seem to throw away waste such as Q-tips or cotton pads into your toilet. You may think this isn’t really a big deal, but it could be the main reason why you are experiencing frequent toilet clogs.
Any item other than water, human waste, and toilet paper can clog up your toilet and cause draining issues. Keep in mind that your toilet wasn’t designed to flush anything and everything. Make sure you flush only what your toilet can handle, and dispose of everything else in your garbage can.
Don’t Overdo the Toilet Paper
Another common mistake in toilet etiquette is using too much toilet paper in the bowl, which can eventually clog the toilet. This is certainly a no-no, as wads of tissues can become hard for your toilet to break down.
This is even true with the type of toilet paper you are using. Be mindful of the kind of tissues you use, as thicker brands can clog the toilet easily and cause a swampy mess.
Close the Lid
Make it a habit to close the lid of your toilet every time you flush and to leave it closed until the next time you (or someone else) uses it. Not only is this more hygienic, but it also ensures that loose or unnecessary items won’t be flushed down accidentally and cause plumbing issues or clogs.
For example, if you have pets or small children, they may dump items into the toilet without your knowledge. To prevent this, keep the toilet lid closed so that access to it isn’t as easy.
Don’t Use a Brick in Your Tank
You may have heard that using a brick in your water tank can help you save water. While this may be true for toilets older than the mid-1990s, it simply isn’t the case for today’s modern toilets.
In fact, having a brick in your toilet can be worrisome as it may break down over time, leading to clogs and debris in your toilet further down the line. If saving water is a concern, or your toilet isn’t working optimally, consider consulting a plumber who can discuss water-saving options with you.
Inspect Your Toilet Regularly
Regular inspections of your toilet are preventative in that it helps you find leaks or issues with your toilet before they cause further problems. Every six months or so, take the lid off your toilet and inspect the inner workings to ensure everything works as usual.
If you notice a leak or something is not working as typical, do not neglect to have it inspected and dealt with immediately. Toilet leaks can easily creep up on you and become worse over time. So, to save money and effort, get repairs done promptly.
Don’t Neglect Toilet Cleaning
Along with frequent toilet inspections is frequent toilet cleaning. Remember to clean your toilet with some baking soda, vinegar, or dish soap every week or whenever you notice it is getting dirty.
Cleaning will keep your bathroom hygienic and sanitary and will help you uncover any issues or leaks with your toilet before they become major problems.
Teach Kids What Can Be Flushed
Small children can be the culprits behind toilet clogs, as they are less aware of what to flush and not to flush down the toilet. They may think it’s okay to flush Q-tips, paper, and any other household items to get rid of them quickly.
However, you want to teach them from a young age that toilets are only for toilet paper and human waste. Remember to go over this during potty training so that they get the idea from an early age.
Call a Plumber
If you are in doubt about a clogged toilet or toilet leak, it’s best to get some professional help from a licensed plumber in your area. Plumbers know the ins and outs of your toilet system and can pinpoint where a leak is coming from to repair it.
Instead of wasting your precious time and energy trying to diagnose a leak for yourself, save time and effort by calling your local plumber, who can get the job done much more efficiently. They can also give you pointers so that the same issues don’t happen repeatedly.
Contact the Professionals
Keeping your toilet clean and restricting what goes into it are some of the best ways to prevent build-up and toilet clogs. You don’t want to be hosting guests this summer and realize too late that your toilet was clogged the entire time. Make sure to monitor your toilet from time to time and call a plumber when necessary.
Plumbers are professionals who are there to provide service and help answer your questions. No toilet clog is too embarrassing for them! Remember, they’ve seen it all and probably much worse.
For more information on hiring a plumber in Toronto or the GTA, please call Brothers Plumbing at 647-247-2230 or contact us here. You’ll be glad that you did!