How to Remove Rust Stains from Plumbing Fixtures 19 Aug 2019

How to Remove Rust Stains from Plumbing Fixtures

Rust can often result from contact between the mineral deposits in hard water and the surface coatings in your bathroom. In houses that depend on well water, and in cities with higher than average iron content in their water, rust levels can be particularly problematic. And so, it’s important that you understand the various techniques for removing rust stains from your home plumbing fixtures. In our new post, we’ll offer our expert guide to rust removal and explain how to achieve a rust-proof bathroom.

What causes rust in your plumbing system?

In addition to high mineral content in your water, there could also be a number of other reasons why you have rust within your plumbing fixtures. For example, it could be that your pipes have degraded and began to rust, causing rusty water to enter the system over time. It’s important that if you discover any rust within your water supply that you speak with your local plumber as soon as possible about the issue. Professionals can test the water content to determine if it’s safe, and can help remove the risk that rust can sometimes pose within the home.

How easy is it to remove rust?

The success you achieve in removing the rust from your home plumbing fixtures will depend on a number of factors. For example, it will depend on how long the rust has been allowed to settle in your home plumbing system. If the rust has been generated over a period of several years, then you may find it difficult to completely remove it from the home. In some cases of chronic rust staining, the rust may be etched into the porcelain within your bathroom fixtures, meaning that it’s impossible to remove without replacing the fixture.

What are the best ways to remove rust from plumbing fixtures?

So, now that we know a little more about what causes rust to develop around the home, let’s take a look at a few of the best ways to achieve a rust-proof bathroom.

  • Lemon and salt

    For those looking for an environmentally-friendly way to remove rust stains from plumbing fixtures without using chemicals, why not consider using lemon and salt for the cleaning work? Combine fresh lemon juice with salt to form a paste, and then apply the paste to the affected area. Once applied, you should allow the paste to settle on the rust over a period of several hours. And then scrub the rust away with a toothbrush or a microfiber cloth before cleaning with cold water. This should be enough to remove all of the rust from the area.

  • Pumice stones

    You may also use pumice stones to remove rust from porcelain areas around the home. You can simply wet the stone and then begin scrubbing the rust away. If you apply enough pressure, most of the rust should be removed. The dampened stone should create a paste, which will help you to further remove much of the rust from the area.

  • Baking soda

    You can also combine baking soda and water as a great way to remove much of the rust from your home areas. Make sure that, once you apply the baking soda and water to rust, that you leave the resulting paste to sit overnight. Then you can scrub away the paste using a microfiber cloth. The result should be a completely clean surface that looks good as new.

  • Commercial cleaners

    Another great option for removing rust from your home surfaces is to use commercial cleaners. For example, you can use any of the following to maximize your rust removal work:

    • Magic Eraser
    • Bar Keepers Friend
    • Limeosol
    • Zud

    Remember to avoid any products that contain bleach, as they can stain the affected area and cause a number of different issues that will then need to be resolved.

Expert Rust Prevention Techniques

So, now that you have more information about how to remove rust, let’s look at a few techniques you might use to prevent rust from occurring again in your home.

  • Keep areas dry

    When hard water deposits are allowed to settle in the home, they can cause a number of issues. Keeping these areas dry is the best way to protect against rust. You should keep a towel handy and dry off any areas in the sink or bath regularly after use. This will help you keep the space clean and mitigate rust challenges.

  • Clean regularly

    The buildup of iron and other mineral deposits that lead to rust can only occur on surfaces that haven’t been cleaned. Take the time to clean your home bath and sinks regularly to reduce the risk of rust build-up and ensure that surfaces stay smooth and dry.

  • Upgrade your plumbing

    One of the key reasons many homeowners find that their homes experience rust build-up is due to their old piping structures. Older pipes are more susceptible to rust and will quickly degrade once the rust settles into the area. Upgrading your home from older iron pipes to modern options is the best way to help minimize the potential rust issues.

  • Install a water softener

    To help protect your sinks and the fixtures around your home, consider installing a water softener. A softener can be a great option in homes with issues due to hard water. The product filters the minerals out of the water, leaving you with only clean-tasting, freshwater supplies. You’ll notice the impact both immediately and in the long term.

  • Watch for metals used around your fixtures

    Metal is used in various cans and other items found around the home. For example, you might find that your metal shaving cream can is contributing to rust stains on sinks and bathroom fixtures. Try to keep these items separate from bathroom surfaces and store them in sealed containers when possible.

Turn to Brothers Plumbing for Rust Removal Guidance

Our trusted and experienced team at Brothers Plumbing is here to help you minimize the impact of rust in and around your home. To learn more about your options, speak with our plumbing experts today.

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