22 Feb

Thinking About Getting A New Faucet? Here Are 7 Things You Need To Consider

With so many sizes and styles of faucets on the market today, it can be difficult to figure out which one to get. Here are some things to consider before you make your purchase so that you make the most of your purchase. Repaired vs. ReplacedIn some cases, your faucet may simply need to be repaired - in fact, it may not need to be replaced at all. However, if your sink is constantly leaking, or you have an older faucet, it is likely time to simply replace the faucet altogether. Consider Its FeaturesEnsure that the spout height and reach make sense; for example, does the faucet fit? Read More

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15 Feb

Easy Steps To Fix A Clogged Toilet Without A Plunger

In order to prevent flooding, it is important to try to unclog your toilet as soon as you notice that it's clogged. If for whatever reason you don’t have a plunger on hand, you can unclog your toilet with several different different household items, depending on what you have on hand. Some options include liquid dish soap, bleach, a wire clothes hanger or even hot water. Follow these easy steps to unclog your toilet. Read More

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8 Feb

Electric Vs. Gas Heaters: What Will Save You More Money This Winter?

According to Natural Resources Canada, heating accounts for 60 percent of a household’s total energy output, which has a vast effect on the state of one’s finances. It makes sense that Canadians are on the lookout for how to save money when it comes to heating their homes in the winter months. With gas and electric heaters being two common methods to heat homes, which one ends up actually being more economical? First of all, electric and gas heaters use very different mechanisms to produce heat. Read More

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1 Feb

What Is A French Drain?

A French drain goes by many different names. It is also called a rubble drain, rock drain, land drain or subsoil drain, to name only a few. You have may heard of a French drain before, but what exactly is it? What is it used for? Could your home benefit from one? Why You Might Need a French Drain: Ultimately, a French drain facilitates proper drainage in your home, ensuring that it stays dry. If your home experiences a lot of rain, you may need a French drain. Read More

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